
The Superpower of Looking

Brand Identity

A programme that teaches children to interpret images, empowering them to understand the world around them.

The Superpower of Looking is an exciting new social initiative, characterised by its bottom-up approach to inspiring the next generation. This prospect is run by ART UK, which offers a distinctive, democratic model of art—subverting the privately-owned, exclusive, members-only norm. This art is for all. The initiative aims to kindle a spark of inspiration into a flame of curiosity among young children, to enrich a child’s mind and their ability to interpret the world around them. 

From the stories of historical figures, immortalised in the expansive selections of portraits, to innovation in Japanese printmaking, The Superpower of Looking consults the wisdom of our ancestors and the talent of our contemporaries.

The Superpower of Looking essentially gives young children the power to really ‘see’, to critically observe, and to appreciate by providing a completely free digital resource that is accessible to all, and aimed to work a part of school programmes. The parallels between culture and the world around us are clear, and were famously articulated by Oscar Wilde: “Life imitates art”. Understanding the beauty of craft and human ingenuity allows children to aspire and pursue their own craft and their own forms of innovation. 

The initiative helps to balance the theoretical learning of the classroom with practical and visual learning that is currently lacking in primary education, and allows children to have confidence, and to be empowered, rather than be underestimated. It promises to provide them with these essential skills, with a love for art, and with the cultural capital that every one of them is entitled to.

At a young age we are all curious, but this unconditional interest in the world is a delicate virtue that is often lost as we age. Sustaining this curiosity is, ultimately, our drive, and the reason that Superpower of Looking has come to life.

The visual identity provided by Marina Willer and her team is elastic and dynamic; it can expand and refine. The logo forms a focal point when placed over a painting, and allows new perspectives to be considered. It seeks to redefine how we frame art; it magnifies, it zooms into details and it reconsiders. The shape is infinite and paradoxical, yet it is simple. The identity expresses the theme of looking closer, while considering the bigger picture. It is this simple duality which captures the aim of this project.

Art UK’s identity was designed by the team in 2016, and has been adapting and evolving alongside this new brand. The flexibility of both brand enhances the infinite ways that people can engage with art.

Art UK
Arts & Culture
Brand Identity
Marina Willer
Project team
Marina Willer
Rita Desport
Natalia Witwicka
Martin Grigorov
Kate Blewett
Charlotte Harmsworth
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