Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge The identity responded to The Public's mission to provide accessible and innovative performances, creating a graphic language that reflects street typography in its extremely active, unconventional and almost graffiti-like juxtaposition. Learn more about the project Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge The new system is more refined as it retains the active nature of the original but provides more structure, while the change from a vertical to horizontal organization has the effect of making the logo more architectural. Learn more about the project Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Zoom Enlarge Share: Twitter, LinkedIn, Email