Advanced skincare backed by science is the SkinCeuticals promise. The company was founded in 1994, based on decades of pivotal antioxidant research performed by Dr. Sheldon Pinnell at Duke University, and Pentagram was tapped to rebrand the company in 2003. In addition to redesigning the packaging of SkinCeuticals entire line of products, which included over fifty different cleansers, toners, exfoliants, scrubs, moisturizers, masks, lip balms, self-tanners, sunscreens and their groundbreaking, and highly effective, vitamin C and E serum, Pentagram also redesigned all of the companies marketing and sales materials.
SkinCeuticals is sold exclusively through a specialized distribution network including dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons, aestheticians and high end spas so Pentagram designed a customized sales kit that resembles a traditional black doctor’s bag. Since the company’s products are primarily sold by physicians and have their roots in science, the packaging was inspired by beakers, test tubes, medicine bottles and other scientific lab equipment.
Pentagram branded the SkinCeuticals with a distinctive light blue color, a combination of the color of soothing water and hospital scrubs, that has become an important trademark for the company. In 2005 L’Oreal bought the company and has kept the branding and packaging developed by Pentagram intact.