The OfficeUS publication series covers: Agenda, Atlas, Manual, New World.

A timeline running along the left page of each essay turns the fore edge into an infographic.

A timeline representing the 1,000 projects of the nearly 200 U.S. architecture firms included.

The section divider pages are a patterned sequence graphically representing this transition.
1 A timeline representing the 1,000 projects of the nearly 200 U.S. architecture firms included. 2 The section divider pages are a patterned sequence graphically representing this transition. 3 Opening spread of Beatriz Colomina's essay 'The Office in the Boudoir.'

Opening spread of Beatriz Colomina's essay 'The Office in the Boudoir.'

A visual timeline detailing the many works of architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony.