School entry at dusk.

The KNOWLEDGE IS POWER stairwell glows on the corner of 144 Street and Park Avenue.

Negative space of letterforms in mural wall are raised, creating a figure-ground effect.

Sawtooth wall in the main lobby features a large-scale message: GO. GRADUATE.

Students investigate codes looking into the library at KIPP NYC College Prep.

The founding Class of 2013 are immortalized on the reverse side of the sawtooth wall.

Code detail on library glass wall.

Glass wall looking into the library features ten unique codes, each increasingly harder to solve.

A collection of framed posters hang above the library bookshelves featuring first pages of well-known books.

Poster of the first page of “Dreams from My Father” by Barack Obama features a patriotic drop cap.

Students of each graduating class sign the contract wall vowing a commitment to excellence.

Arrows replace letters in playful wayfinding to key areas in the school.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER spans an entire stairwell, completely visible from the exterior.

Interior detail of KNOWLEDGE IS POWER stairwell graphic.

Floors are marked with floor-to-ceiling numbers.

KIPP’s motto, ANCORA IMPARO, is a quote by Michelangelo which translates to “I am still learning.”

The KIPP credo is displayed on the risers of the central stairway.

Character strengths are embedded in the cafeteria tabletops.

Detail of a tabletop.

Gig posters of performances by famous musicians who have participated in KIPP programs.

Al Green gig poster.

School wayfinding takes cues from the New York City subway signage.

SAT vocabulary words span 165 feet long, filling an entire corridor. Each floor features a different sequence.

Lenticular classroom signs display the room number from one angle, and images of popular colleges from another.

An image of Columbia University emerges from the classroom sign.

Gym floor graphics.

Motivational phrases like "WORK HARD," "BE NICE," and "PLAY HARD" can be found in the rafters of the gym.

Icons are subtly etched on the backside of restroom signs.

A hidden message that only reads correctly when viewed through a mirror.

An 8 foot wide maze set flush in the existing floor.