Color is used to indicate different sections and collections within the book.

Paintings by Carlos Mérida (left) and Francisco Toledo (right).
1 Color is used to indicate different sections and collections within the book. 2 Paintings by Carlos Mérida (left) and Francisco Toledo (right). 3 Paintings by Wolfgang Paalen (left) and Rufino Tamayo (right).

Paintings by Wolfgang Paalen (left) and Rufino Tamayo (right).

Detail of "Zapatista" by Alfredo Ramos Martinez.

Painting by Frida Kahlo.

List of works in the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection.
4 Detail of "Zapatista" by Alfredo Ramos Martinez. 5 Painting by Frida Kahlo. 6 List of works in the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection.