Book Design278

‘1,000 Marks by Pentagram’

'Second Hand'

‘The Architecture of Urbanity’

'Farm Life'

‘Operation Match’

‘The Work of Art’

‘Haraka Baraka’

‘This Is Me and Only Me’

‘The Architect and Designer Birthday Book’

‘Pentagram Papers 50: Poster Stamps’

‘Artificial Typography’

‘Ward 81 Voices’

‘Afrofuturism: A History of Black Futures’

Know Cocoa

‘The Dark Side of the Moon’

‘Fragments of Epic Memory’

‘May I Submit Utopian Turtletop?’

‘Western Skies’

‘Regeneration: Black Cinema 1898–1971’

‘Inspirational Women’

'The One Ann Only'

‘Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure’

‘The FBI Guide to Internet Slang’

Deborah Roberts ‘I’M’

Graphcore, The Companio

‘Architecture Unbound’

‘The Book of the Raven’
‘The National: Light Years’

‘Odd Apples’

‘The Collected Works of Jim Morrison’

Angus Hyland for Pith

‘Graphic Life’

‘The Art Museum in Modern Times’

‘The Book of the Tree’

‘Cecily Brown at Blenheim Palace’

‘Two Hundred Fifty Things an Architect Should Know’

‘Fäviken: 4015 Days, Beginning to End’

‘Good Dog’

‘25 Years at the Public: A Love Story’

‘Dawoud Bey: Two American Projects’

‘Magnum Artists’

'Do Not Disturb'

‘Victory is Not an Option’

‘Flow Gallery at Twenty’

Chess on Earth

‘Ezra Stoller’

Pre-Raphaelite Sisters
‘Musical Experiments for After Dinner’

‘The Fonio Cookbook’

‘On Site’

‘Manet: Three Paintings from the Norton Simon Museum’

‘Great Women Artists’

‘Toronto Tomorrow’

‘School of Visual Arts Senior Library 2018’

René Redzepi: A Journal

‘The Book of the Flower’

‘Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition’

‘The Architecture of Closed Worlds’

‘Jewelry: The Body Transformed’

Circular 20

‘Keith Carter Fifty Years’

‘Hearing Colours’

‘The Beyond’

‘A Mile Above Texas’


‘The Animal Kingdom’

‘The Maze: A Labyrinthine Compendium’

‘Observe, Collect, Draw!’

‘Fired Up! Ready to Go!’