The animated graphic identities that appear at the end of a television show serve as quick, distinctive signatures for the producers behind the program. Pentagram has designed the identity for Curly One Productions, the company of the producer Corin Nelson. Pentagram previously collaborated with Nelson on the opening titles and graphics for "The Queen Latifah Show", for which Nelson is one of the executive producers. Nelson is a five-time Emmy Award winner who has executive produced, run or developed a number of series including "Chelsea Lately," "The Nate Berkus Show," "The Rosie O'Donnell Show," "The Sharon Osbourne Show," and "It's On With Alexa Chung."
The Curly One name was inspired by Nelson’s own signature curly locks, and the logo—literally, a "curly" "1,"—is a mix of grit and glamour that sums up her personality: a little bit rock 'n' roll, feminine, smart and funny.